Conquering Self-Sabotage

Conquering Self-Sabotage

Have you ever felt like you're standing in the way of your own success? It's that little voice in our heads that says, "You're not good enough," or "You don't deserve this opportunity." This feeling doesn't just disappear overnight, and sometimes, despite our best efforts, it still lingers. I've been there and want to share with you some powerful ways to bounce back and conquer self-sabotage.

In our journey towards career progression, it's important to acknowledge that setbacks and doubts may still arise. But here's the beautiful truth: we have the power to overcome them. With the right tools, mindset, and support, we can navigate through those challenging moments.

The Perfectionism Paradox

I vividly remember being so paralysed by the fear of not meeting my own perfectionistic standards that I kept delaying an important project. I know I can deliver the project very well and get that award, but I keep pushing and pushing it and avoiding finishing it because I am afraid to make a mistake. Eventually, I realised that by seeking perfection, I was hindering my growth. So, I took a leap of faith, completed the project to the best of my ability, and learned valuable lessons along the way. 

It took me a while to realise that perfectionism is a double-edged sword. It's great to strive for excellence, but when it becomes an excuse for inaction, it sabotages progress. Remember, perfectionism may seem like a noble pursuit, but it often becomes a roadblock to progress. Allow yourself to take action, even if it means making mistakes along the way. It's through those mistakes that we learn and grow.

The Comparison Trap

Have you ever found yourself endlessly comparing your achievements to those of others? Social media makes it all too easy to fall into this trap. I've had my fair share of moments where I felt inadequate because I was comparing my progress to that of my colleagues or friends. But then, I realised that my journey is unique and incomparable. It is always important to remember that we all have our talents, strengths and weaknesses. 

Success is not a race, and everyone's timeline is different. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your growth. Celebrate small victories, learn from setbacks, and stay committed to your own progress. The only person you should compete with is the person you were yesterday.

Fear of Failure

I've faced some failures in my career, and each one felt like a blow to my confidence. But with time, I realised that failure is not a reflection of my worth or abilities. It's simply an opportunity for growth and learning. I started viewing failure as a necessary step towards success, and it allowed me to take more risks and learn from my experiences.

Failure is a word that often fills us with dread. But let me tell you a secret: failure is not the opposite of success; it's part of success. Many accomplished individuals have experienced multiple failures on their way to greatness. Embrace failure as a valuable teacher and an essential stepping stone towards growth. Remember, it's not about falling down; it's about getting back up, learning from your mistakes, and trying again. The only true failure is giving up.

Imposter Syndrome

Ah, imposter syndrome, the silent confidence killer. It creeps in when we least expect it, whispering, "You don't belong here" or "You're not good enough." I've battled with imposter syndrome at various stages of my career, feeling like I didn't deserve the opportunities that came my way. However, I started reminding myself of all the hard work, skills, and dedication that brought me to where I am today. I began embracing self-compassion, treating myself with kindness, and giving myself credit for my achievements.

Recognise your accomplishments, acknowledge your skills, and remember that you earned your place through hard work and dedication. Banish imposter syndrome by embracing self-compassion and nurturing your belief in yourself. Every time you feel that silent confidence killer starting to creep in, remind yourself that you are more than capable and you are deserving of your success.

I hope you've discovered that self-sabotage doesn't define you. You have the power to break free from its grip and create a career that aligns with your passions and aspirations. Embrace the lessons learned, the setbacks overcome, and the victories achieved. Carry with you the belief that you are deserving of success and capable of achieving greatness. Remember, self-sabotage may still try to rear its head from time to time, but armed with the tools and insights gained here, you have the strength to face it head-on and persevere. Your journey towards career progression is an ongoing adventure. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the milestones, and continue to grow into the best version of yourself.

Till next Monday.

Maria xx